Sexual dimorphism involving steroidal pheromones and their binding protein in the submaxillary salivary gland of the Göttingen miniature pig

in Journal of Endocrinology
W. D. Booth
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Submaxillary glands of mature Göttingen miniature pigs were examined for the presence of a sexual dimorphism. Gland weights, serous cell hypertrophy and total protein in the glands were much greater in male than female pigs. High concentrations of the pheromonal 16-androstene steroids were present in the glands of males and exceeded 2 mmol/g in some animals; this was primarily due to 5α-androst-16-en-3α-ol. The high concentration of 16-androstene steroids in boar glands was correlated with the presence of large amounts of binding protein for these steroids in the glands; smaller amounts of the binding protein were detected in female glands. These findings are similar to those found in domestic pigs, but the degree of sexual dimorphism assessed from these findings is more extreme in the miniature pig.

J. Endocr. (1984) 100, 195-202


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