Effects of oestradiol, the oestrous cycle and pregnancy on weight, metabolism and cytosol receptors in the uterus of the brush-tail possum (Trichosurus vulpecula)

in Journal of Endocrinology
J. D. Curlewis
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G. M. Stone
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Uterine weight, RNA, DNA, protein content, in-vitro rate of protein synthesis, cytosol oestrogen and progesterone receptors were examined after administration of oestradiol to ovariectomized animals and on days 0, 5, 9 and 13 of the non-pregnant cycle and day 13 of pregnancy. In ovariectomized animals, oestradiol increased uterine weight, RNA: DNA and protein: DNA ratios and the concentration of cytosol receptors for oestradiol and progesterone. During the oestrous cycle there was a linear increase in uterine weight and a significant effect of the corpus luteum on the weight of the ipsilateral uterus. Changes in RNA, DNA and protein content between days 0 and 5 were not observed, but between days 5 and 13 RNA: DNA and protein: DNA ratios increased and the DNA: tissue weight ratio decreased. Thus, cellular hypertrophy and/or increased metabolic activity rather than hyperplasia occur over this period, which is coincident with the known rise in plasma progesterone levels. The rate of in-vitro protein synthesis (per unit tissue protein) during the non-pregnant cycle was greatest at day 0. These changes in uterine metabolic activity were associated with alterations in cytosol receptor concentrations for both steroids. Cytosol progesterone receptor concentrations were highest at day 0 after which they declined to a minimum at day 13. Cytosol oestradiol receptor concentrations, however, rose between days 0 and 5 and then declined. Although lutectomy on day 8 of the cycle does not interfere with the development of a histologically normal luteal phase, high peripheral progesterone levels which occur after day 8 in intact animals are associated with major increases in uterine metabolic activity.

The unilateral effect of the corpus luteum on uterine weight was associated with a decrease in DNA: g tissue ratio and an increase in rate of in-vitro protein synthesis indicating hypertrophy and/or extracellular accumulation of secreted material as well as enhanced metabolic activity. There was a significant effect of pregnancy on uterine weight at day 13 and this was associated with an increase in DNA content of both uteri. There was a unilateral effect of pregnancy on RNA: DNA ratio and in-vitro rate of protein synthesis, but not on uterine weight.

J. Endocr. (1986) 108, 201–210


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