Mechanisms of reproductive deficiency in male rats treated neonatally with a gonadotrophin-releasing hormone antagonist

in Journal of Endocrinology
L Pinilla
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It is well known that males injected neonatally with oestradiol or antiserum or antagonists (ANT) against gonadotrophin-releasing hormone (GnRH) show multiple reproductive disorders. In the present work, in males treated neonatally with GnRH-ANT, we have analysed: (1) whether the impairment of reproductive function can be blocked by simultaneous treatment with gonadotrophins, (2) the possible differences in the effects of GnRH-ANT injected before or after the proliferation of Sertoli cells which takes place between days 1 and 15 of age, and (3) the mechanism(s) for the increased FSH secretion observed in adulthood. Experimental designs included: administration of GnRH-ANT between days 1 and 16 or 15 and 30 of age, simultaneous administration of gonadotrophins and GnRH-ANT to neonatal males, and measurement of FSH secretion after orchidectomy or specific destruction of Leydig cells with ethylene dimethane sulphonate (EDS) in adult males treated neonatally with GnRH-ANT.

The principal new data presented in our studies are the following: (1) delayed puberty was observed not only in males injected neonatally with GnRH-ANT, but also in those injected with gonadotrophins or with GnRH-ANT and gonadotrophins, (2) the decreased fertility and increased FSH secretion observed in adult males treated neonatally with GnRH-ANT were normalized by simultaneous administration of GnRH-ANT and gonadotrophins, and (3) the increased FSH secretion in adult males treated neonatally with GnRH-ANT remained after EDS or orchidectomy, suggesting that mechanisms other than decreased inhibin secretion were involved in the increased secretion of FSH.

Journal of Endocrinology (1994) 142, 517–525


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