Disrupted co-ordination of Pax-8 and thyroid transcription factor-1 gene expression in a dedifferentiated rat thyroid tumour cell line derived from FRTL-5

in Journal of Endocrinology
C J H van der Kallen
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The mutant rat thyroid cell line FRTL-5/TA, isolated from a non-functional tumour which originated spontaneously from wild-type FRTL-5 cells, shows autonomous TSH-independent growth and loss of the thyroid-specific phenotype, lacking thyroid-specific expression of thyroglobulin (Tg) and thyroid peroxidase (TPO) genes. To investigate the role of the transcription factors Pax-8 and thyroid transcription factor-1 (TTF-1) in rat thyroid tumorigenesis, RNA expression of these two thyroid-specific nuclear factors was measured in FRTL-5/TA tumour cells and compared with the expression in wild-type FRTL-5 cells. TTF-1 gene expression was similar to that in wild-type FRTL-5, and showed a similar down-regulation after stimulation with TSH. The finding suggested normal TTF-1 mRNA and protein expression in both cell lines. By contrast, Pax-8 mRNA transcript signal was markedly reduced in FRTL-5/TA cells, reaching levels as low as 8% of the normal, basal level in FRTL-5 cells. These data indicated that the loss of thyroid-specific expression of Tg and TPO genes in FRTL-5/TA cells was not related to changes in TTF-1 gene expression but rather to reduced Pax-8 gene expression. It was concluded that a disruption of the co-ordinated expression of TTF-1 and Pax-8 is implicated in the loss of thyroid phenotype of FRTL-5/TA cells in terms of reduced Tg and TPO expression.

Journal of Endocrinology (1996) 150, 377–382


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