Oxytocin and the control of LH

in Journal of Endocrinology
J J Evans
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The idea that oxytocin can control luteinizing hormone (LH) is not new, and has always been intriguingly controversial. This paper will discuss some of the reasons for the confusion and consider the emerging evidence that indicates an important role in regulating gonadotrophins for oxytocin. Both prior and subsequent to the definition of the classical hypothalamic-releasing factors the possibility that the hormones from the posterior lobe of the pituitary gland had roles as additional regulators in anterior pituitary gland hormone secretion was also investigated (Martini & Morpurgo 1955, Benson & Folley 1957, McCann 1957). The anatomical proximity of the two lobes of the pituitary gland and the reports of evidence for direct portal communication between them (Baertschi 1980) pointed to the potential for interactions. In addition, nerve fibres from the hypothalamus were observed to terminate on the hypophysial portal vessels (Silverman 1976, Zimmerman & Antunes 1976). For at least four


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