Editorial Board
Ruth Andrew, PhD University of Edinburgh, Edinburgh, UK Ruth Andrew holds a Chair in Pharmaceutical Endocrinology at the University of Edinburgh and directs the Clinical Research Facility Mass Spectrometry Core. Ruth developed her career in steroid profiling in cardiometabolic disease, investigating regulation of glucocorticoid metabolism. Her group has focussed on the role of hepatic 5α-reductase in diabetes and in dynamic methods to quantify steroid metabolic pathways in vivo using stable isotope tracers and imaging. She leads a team specialising in small molecule quantitative analysis in support of translational medicine, most recently visualising steroid hormone networks using mass spectrometry imaging. |
Gabriela da Silva Xavier, Med, PhD University of Birmingham, Birmingham, UK Gaby is Associate Professor inCellular Metabolism in the Department of Metabolism and Systems Science and a core team member of the National Institute of Health Research (NIHR) Birmingham Biomedical Research Center’s Women’s Metabolic Health Theme. Gaby’s research is focused on mechanisms of fuel (im)balance, with a special interest in endocrine pancreas function. She works mainly on type 2 diabetes and obesity. More recently, she has been working on the pathophysiology of rare metabolic conditions managed at the University Hospitals Birmingham NHS Foundation Trust, where type 2 diabetes and obesity form part of the pathology. Her work encompasses in vitro and in vivo research, and clinical research with an aim towards translation. |
Morag Young, PhD Baker Heart and Diabetes Institute, Melbourne, Australia Professor Morag Young is a leading authority on the role of hormones in cardiovascular disease, with a particular focus on mineralocorticoid receptor (MR) pathophysiology. This includes the study of the heart’s circadian clock and how disrupted circadian rhythms, and activation of the MR could damage our hearts. More broadly, she is interested in the intersection between cardiovascular disease and endocrinology, and how cellular mechanisms lead to cardiac fibrosis and inflammation, and ultimately, heart failure. Morag heads the Cardiovascular Endocrinology laboratory at the Institute. She is also a supervisor at Monash, La Trobe and Deakin Universities, and the University of Melbourne. Her discovery research program has identified novel mechanisms of MR action in cardiovascular disease that include cell-selective pathways in macrophages, cardiomyocytes and endothelial cells. Most recently, her work has identified a highly novel interaction of the MR with the molecular clock in the pathogenesis of cardiovascular disease. |
Asia | |
Haipeng Xiao, MD The First Affiliated Hospital of Sun Yat-sen University, Guangzhou, China Professor Xiao is current President of the First Affiliated Hospital of Sun Yat-sen University, and holds numerous society positions including Presidency of Guangdong Endocrine and Metabolism Association in the Chinese Medical Doctor Association. Professor Xiao takes the lead in treating Graves’ diseases by introducing thyroid arterial embolization, and reported relevant findings of using innovative methods to treat Graves’ diseases. His research interests have focused mainly on thyroid disease and β-cell function of diabetes. |
North America | |
Barbara J Clark, PhD University of Louisville School of Medicine, KY, USA Associate Professor of Biochemistry and Molecular Genetics and the Associate Dean of Graduate and Postdoctoral Studies at the School of Medicine. Her research interests focus on defining the functions of the cholesterol transporters STARD4 and STARD5 in cholesterol and bile acid homeostasis in normal and disease states, eg diabetic nephropathy, MASLD-MASH, and hepatocellular carcinoma. |
South America | |
Ernesto Podesta, PhD University of Buenos Aires, Argentina Currently Emeritus Professor of the Department of Biochemistry, School of Medicine University of Buenos Aires and Emeritus Investigator (CONICET) the Biomedical Research Institute belongs to the Argentinean National Research Council. His research interests have centred on the role of intramitochondrial arachidonic acid and its metabolites in physiology (regulation of steroidogenesis) and pathology (breast cancer). |
Adrenal/Corticoids | |
Wendy Bollag, PhD Augusta University, GA, USA Regents’ Professor of Physiology and the Director of the Office of Postdoctoral Affairs at the Medical College of Georgia (MCG) at Augusta University. After earning her PhD in Cellular and Molecular Physiology at Yale University and performing an industrial postdoctoral fellowship at Hoffman-La Roche. Dr Bollag embarked on an academic career at MCG, where she rose through the ranks. Dr Bollag’s research interests relate to signal transduction and she has applied her expertise in cell signaling to a variety of systems, including the regulation of aldosterone production, of bone formation and of skin function. |
Massimiliano Caprio, MD, PhD San Raffaele Roma Open University, Rome, Italy Professor of endocrinology, Massimiliano Caprio is head of the Laboratory of Cardiovascular Endocrinology at the Research Center of IRCCS San Raffaele in Rome, and consultant endocrinologist and diabetologist at CTO Alesini Hospital, University of Rome 'Tor Vergata'. Professor Caprio is internationally recognized in the exploration of the roles of mineralocorticoid receptor activation in adipose tissue and vessels. His research interests are the cardiovascular and metabolic effects of novel non-steroidal mineralocorticoid receptor antagonists, as well as the interactions between nutritional status, ketone bodies and the components of the renin-angiotensin-aldosterone system. |
Bone/Calcium | |
Guillaume Mabilleau, PhD University of Angers and Angers University Hospital, France Associate Professor of Histology, Embryology and Cytogenetics at the University of Angers, France; Head of the Bone pathology unit at Angers University Hospital, France; Head of the Angers REGOS team - Inserm UMR_S 1229 Regenerative Medicine and Skeleton. His major research focus on the comprehension of how bone extracellular material properties control bone strength with a special interest for the gut-bone axis. |
Diabetes | |
Eugenia Carvalho, MSc, PhD University of Coimbra, Portugal Dr Carvalho is Principle Investigator at the Centre for Neuroscience and Cell Biology (CNC) at the University of Coimbra, and leads the group that studies obesity, diabetes and complications. She is currently investigating insulin action and metabolic dysfunction in adipocytes in response to in vivo treatments with immunosuppressive and antipsychotic drugs. Dr Carvalho is interested in investigating systemic and local factors that are altered in obesity and diabetes and identify dysfunctional pathways, including insulin signalling, mitochondrial function, oxidative stress and inflammation in cells and tissues, including epicardial fat in subjects with heart failure with diabetes. |
Xiaoyong Yang, PhD Yale University, New Haven, CT, USA Professor of Comparative Medicine and of Cellular & Molecular Physiology at Yale University School of Medicine. Professor Yang has pioneered the discovery of functions of protein posttranslational modifications in nutrient sensing, cell signalling and metabolic physiology. His laboratory currently studies how protein glycosylation senses nutritional and hormonal cues and mediates inter-organ communication, and how its dysregulation fuels obesity and type 2 diabetes. Professor Yang is devoted to training and mentoring the next generation of scientists. He is the past president of Chinese American Diabetes Association and the past vice president of Sino-American Pharmaceutical Professionals Association. |
Endocrine-Related Cancer | |
Claire Fletcher, PhD
Obesity/Energy Balance | |
Lenka Maletínská, PhD Institute of Organic Chemistry and Biochemistry, Czech Academy of Sciences, Prague, Czech Republic Senior research group leader at Institute of Organic Chemistry and Biochemistry, Prague and PhD supervisor on Biochemistry and Pathobiochemistry PhD program at Charles University. Her research interests include the structure-activity study of peptide hormones and their analogs, the study of metabolic changes in mouse and rat models of obesity, type 2 diabetes and cardiovascular disturbances, and the study of the relationship between obesity, type 2 diabetes and Alzheimers-like pathology in mouse models of neurodegeneration. |
Pancreatic Islets/Insulin Secretions | |
Mark Huising, PhD University of California Davis, Davis, CA, USA Dr Huising's group studies the importance of intra-islet feedback control for the regulation of islet cell fate and function. He has broad expertise in the use of mouse models and pioneered the use of careful functional imaging using genetically encoded biosensors expressed specifically in cell type(s) of choice in the pancreas. His group has discovered the function of the peptide hormone Ucn3 as the principal paracrine factor to activate pancreatic delta cells, leading to more broadly focus on pancreatic delta cells and their physiological contribution to glucose homeostasis. In a separate line of research, they discovered an entirely new beta cell type that lacks key maturity markers including Ucn3 and Glut2 that had gone unnoticed for decades. This highlights the heterogeneity that exists among beta cells that betrays beta cell plasticity that is amplified under conditions of beta cell stress during diabetes. |
Sakeneh Zraika, PhD University of Washington, Seattle, WA, USA Research Professor in the Division of Metabolism, Endocrinology and Nutrition at the University of Washington’s Department of Medicine. Her research interest is in islet biology, where the focus is on identifying factors that regulate insulin secretion and may be targeted for therapeutic intervention in diabetes. This includes an integrated physiology approach to understanding the impact of intra-islet paracrine signaling, as well as signaling from the liver and gut on insulin secretion and glucose homeostasis. She is also Director of the Metabolic and Cellular Phenotyping Core within the University of Washington’s Diabetes Research Center. |
Reproduction/Development | |
SJ Sean Tsai, PhD Chair Professor, Department of Biomedical Sciences, National Chung Cheng University, Chiayi, Taiwan Chair Professor at the Department of Physiology, College of Medicine, National Cheng Kung University. Professor Tsai’s research interests focus on elucidating mechanisms of hypoxia-mediated drug resistance in cancer and molecular pathophysiology of gynaecological diseases such as polycystic ovarian syndrome and endometriosis. |
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Caitlin Wyrwoll, PhD University of Western Australia, Perth, Australia Caitlin Wyrwoll is an Associate Professor in the School of Human Sciences at the University of Western Australia. She is currently holds a Stan Perron People Fellowship and is a research theme leader in the NHMRC Healthy Environments and Lives Network. Her research group focuses on the impact of environmental change on maternal and child health, with drinking water quality and heatwave exposure two key environmental factors of interest. |
Steroid and Steroidogenesis | |
Donita Africander, PhD Stellenbosch University, South Africa Associate Professor in Biochemistry leading a research group investigating the mechanisms of progestins in health and disease. Her research focusses on understanding progestin effects on inflammation, metabolism, breast cancer and steroidogenesis. The research group explores the regulation of gene expression, steroid receptor levels and crosstalk, and kinase signalling pathways using molecular approaches, with the aim of aiding in the development of new therapeutic strategies to effectively prevent or treat diseases such as breast cancer. |
Ian Bird, PhD University of Wisconsin, Madison, WI, USA Professor of Obstetrics & Gynecology at University of Wisconsin. Research focuses on control of pregnancy-induced changes in endothelial cell state/function/endocrine signaling particularly in uterine artery endothelium, and the role of growth factor vs cytokines in its failure in high-risk pregnancy. Control of adrenal zonation and function by Angiotensin II and integration of adrenal and gonadal steroidogenesis in higher mammals/humans. Gestational development of zonation and function of fetal adrenal gland in sheep and humans. Control of adrenal and gonadal steroidogenesis at the level of P450c17 vs 3BHSD expression and 17 alpha-hydroxylase vs lyase activity. |
Thyroid | |
Anita Boelen, PhD University of Amsterdam, the Netherlands Anita Boelen, PhD, is a Professor of Thyroid Hormone Metabolism, in particular molecular and diagnostic aspects, in the Endocrine Laboratory at the Amsterdam University Medical Center, University of Amsterdam. She is a basic scientist with a research focus on thyroid hormone metabolism in innate immune cells and on mechanisms involved in congenital central hypothyroidism. She is in charge of the regional Dutch Neonatal Screening program at the Endocrine Laboratory in the same institution and a former member of the board of the European Thyroid Association (ETA). |
Laurent Sachs, PhD Centre National de la Recherche Scientifique (CNRS), Paris, France Head of the joint research unit Molecular Physiology and Adaption, affiliated to the Centre National de la Recherche Scientifique (CNRS) and the National Museum of Natural History of Paris. Dr Sachs’s research interests focus on the functions and mechanisms of action of thyroid hormones to understand physiological regulations that control development, tissue homeostasis, regeneration and aging in normal and altered conditions. Recently, his work has focused on the evolution of the hormonal control of life cycle transition with a special emphasis on amphibian metamorphosis and the crosstalk between thyroid hormone and glucocorticoid signalling. |
Steven Millership, PhD Imperial College London, UK Dr Steven Millership is a Lecturer in Cell Biology and Principal Investigator within the Department of Metabolism, Digestion and Reproduction at Imperial College London. Dr Millership’s main research interests centre around pancreatic beta cell function, diabetes genomics and the epigenome. Previously, Dr Millership has also published in the fields neurodegeneration, whole-body metabolism and glucose homeostasis, and genomic imprinting. |
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Karla Suchaki, PhD |
Sarah Berhane, PhD University of Birmingham, UK Dr Sarah Berhane is a research fellow in medical statistics working in the Institute of Applied Health Research at the University of Birmingham. Her main research interests are diagnostic and prognostic modelling for the purpose of clinical prediction. She also works on projects related to systematic reviews of diagnostic test accuracy. |
Guy Brock, PhD Ohio State University, Columbus, OH, USA Dr Brock is a Professor in the Department of Biomedical Informatics, The Ohio State University College of Medicine (OSU-COM). He serves as Associate Director of the Center for Biostatistics, Director of the Biostatistics Resource at Nationwide Children’s Hospital (BRANCH), and Director of the Biostatistics, Epidemiology, and Research Design (BERD) Core of the Center for Clinical Translational Science (CCTS). He currently serves as the lead biostatistician on multiple ongoing clinical trials, ranging from early phase studies to community-based pragmatic interventions incorporating both efficacy and implementation outcomes. |
Moray J Campbell, PhD Cedars-Sinai Medical Center, Los Angeles, CA, USA Professor Campbell is a Professor of Oncology at Cedars-Sinai Medical Center, Los Angeles. His research aims to understand how disruptions to the epigenome can act as disease-drivers in hormone responsive cancers, with the goal to exploit this understanding in either diagnostic or therapeutic settings. In 2010, Professor Campbell completed a masters in Bioinformatics at Johns Hopkins University, and since then has developed strong expertise in the analyses and integration of genomic and epigenomic data sets, and their integration with publicly available data to annotate experimental findings. Specifically, his research leverages ChIP-Seq, RNA-Seq (including splice aware), proteomics such as RIME, and other NGS approaches to study non-coding: coding RNA interactions and RNA modifications. |
Dr Moshmi Bhattacharya, Rutgers University, NJ, USA |
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