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DC Ribeiro
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The circadian rhythms of most night shift workers do not adapt fully to the imposed behavioural schedule, and this factor is considered to be responsible for many of the reported health problems. One way in which such disturbances might be mediated is through inappropriate hormonal and metabolic responses to meals, on the night shift. Twelve healthy subjects (four males and eight females) were studied on three occasions at the same clock time (1330 h), but at different body clock times, after consuming test meals, first in their normal environment, secondly after a forced 9 h phase advance (body clock time approximately 2230 h) and then again 2 days later in the normal environment. They were given a low-fat pre-meal at 0800 h, then a test meal at 1330 h with blood sampling for the following 9 h. Parameters measured included plasma glucose, non-esterified fatty acids (NEFAs), triacylglycerol (TAG), insulin, C-peptide, proinsulin and glucose-dependent insulinotropic polypeptide, and urinary 6-sulphatoxymelatonin. In contrast with a previous study with a high-fat pre-meal, postprandial glucose and insulin responses were not affected by the phase shift. However, basal plasma NEFAs were lower immediately after the phase shift (P < 0.05). Incremental (difference from basal) TAG responses were significantly higher (P < 0.05) immediately after the phase shift compared with before. Two-day post-phase shift responses showed partial reversion to baseline values. This study suggests that it takes at least 2 days to adapt to eating meals on a simulated night shift, and that the nutritional content of the pre-meals consumed can have a marked effect on postprandial responses during a simulated phase shift. Such findings may provide a partial explanation for the increased occurrence of cardiovascular disease reported in shift workers.

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G. S. Kamstra
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The secretion of corticotrophin releasing activity (CRA) from the isolated rat hypothalamus incubated in vitro was investigated under various conditions of incubation and of pretreatment of donor animals providing hypothalami. Media from hypothalamic incubations were assayed for CRA by a validated double in-vitro bioassay technique which differentiates CRA from vasopressin.

A circadian rhythm was found in the secretion of CRA in vitro from isolated hypothalami obtained from animals killed at different times of the day. Secretion of CRA increased significantly at 19.00 h (dusk) compared with the secretion rate at 07.00 h, in synchrony with a rise in plasma corticosterone levels. In addition, both plasma corticosterone concentrations and CRA secretion in vitro were higher at 07.00 h than at 19.00 h after exposure of the donor animals to a reversed light cycle for 7–10 days.

Hypothalami obtained from animals chronically treated with betamethasone in the drinking water showed a diminished secretion of CRA in vitro. Exposure of untreated animals to ether vapour for 2 min immediately before death significantly increased the subsequent secretion of CRA in vitro. Ether exposure did not significantly affect the secretion of CRA in vitro from hypothalami of betamethasone-treated rats. There was a close correlation between plasma corticosterone levels and in-vitro CRA release after these treatments. The results suggest that the secretion of CRA examined in this way is a phenomenon which can reflect the changes which occur in the activity of the hypothalamo-pituitary-adrenal system in vivo during the 24-h cycle, after glucocorticoid treatment and after ether stress.

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M Marie
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Circulating concentrations of leptin in sheep correlate with body fatness and are affected by level of food intake and photoperiod. The present objective was to elucidate the short-term dynamics of leptin secretion. Frequent blood samples were taken over 48 h from 12 Soay rams after 16 weeks in short-day photoperiod (SD, 16 h darkness:8 h light) with freely available food, and then after 16 weeks in long days (16 h light:8 h darkness) with food freely available (LD) or restricted to 90% maintenance (LDR) (n=6/group). During the second 24 h of sampling, half were food deprived (n=6, SD and LD) and half had their meal times shifted (n=6, SD and LDR). A homologous RIA was developed, using antibodies raised in chicken against recombinant ovine leptin, to measure plasma concentrations. Simultaneous 24 h profiles of plasma insulin, glucose and non-esterified fatty acids (NEFA) were measured. Plasma leptin was higher in LD than SD, and in LD than LDR, associated with higher food intake, liveweight and body condition score (adiposity), but tended to be lower in LDR than SD, associated with lower food intake, liveweight and body condition score. There was no evidence for a circadian rhythm of plasma leptin, but clear evidence for post-prandial peaks of low amplitude (15-36%) 2-8 h after meals given at normal and shifted times. Complete food deprivation caused a dramatic fall in plasma leptin to basal levels within 24 h. There was a positive association of plasma leptin with plasma insulin, and negative association with NEFA, both between meals and during fasting. Thus, plasma leptin concentrations in sheep are sensitive to short-term changes in energy balance, as well as to long-term photoperiod-driven changes in food intake and adiposity.

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M. B. ter HAAR
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Serum luteinizing hormone (LH) and follicle-stimulating hormone (FSH) levels were measured by radioimmunoassay in groups of Wistar rats at 6-hourly intervals during the course of a 4-day oestrous cycle. In addition to a surge at about 18.00 h on the day of pro-oestrus, a circadian rhythm in LH levels was observed which was accentuated during metoestrus. FSH levels showed a protracted periovulatory rise which reached peak levels at about 03.00 h on the day of oestrus. A daily rhythm was not observed.

The incorporation of [35S]methionine (injected subcutaneously 1 h before death) into the trichloroacetic acid-precipitable proteins of the anterior pituitary and of discrete brain areas implicated in the control of gonadotrophin release, was also measured. An increase in protein synthetic activity was observed in the anterior pituitary and the area of the median eminence on the evening of pro-oestrus with peak levels coinciding with the LH surge at 18.00 h on the day of pro-oestrus. An increase in protein synthetic activity relative to that in a 'control' area (the putamen) was observed in the preoptic area and in the amygdala 15–18 h before the LH surge. It is suggested that these changes in protein synthetic activity are associated with the train of neural and humoral events leading to ovulation.

After ovariectomy, protein synthetic activity in all areas investigated was at the low levels observed during the oestrous cycle. Daily injections of 20 μg oestradiol benzoate into intact females led to levels of protein synthesis as great as, or greater than, the maximal levels observed during the oestrous cycle.

Measurements of variations in total protein concentration/unit wet weight of pituitary or brain tissue showed that they were apparently unrelated to variations in protein synthetic activity. Protein concentration appeared to be high in all the brain samples taken at oestrus and low in those taken at metoestrus. Furthermore, superimposed upon a marked daily rhythm, there was a peak of protein concentration on the evening of dioestrus both in the preoptic area and in the area of the median eminence.

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The incorporation of [35S]methionine into protein of the anterior pituitary and discrete brain areas was measured following the administration of antibodies to oestrogen, ovariectomy, or adrenalectomy on the afternoon of dioestrus. The antibody to oestrogen deleted the circadian rhythms of methionine incorporation normally observed in the various brain areas together with the peaks of incorporation normally observed in the median eminence area and anterior pituitary on the evening of pro-oestrus. The peaks of incorporative activity normally observed in the preoptic area and amygdala (relative to the putamen) at 03.00 h on the day of pro-oestrus were also deleted. Administration of the antiserum on the morning of pro-oestrus failed to alter the pattern of methionine incorporation normally observed on the evening of pro-oestrus.

Ovariectomy performed at 16.00 h of dioestrus blocked the preovulatory rise of luteinizing hormone (LH) (as did the antibody to oestrogen) and inhibited the peak of methionine incorporation normally observed in the anterior pituitary on the evening of pro-oestrus. However, for the peak in the median eminence to be inhibited, ovariectomy had to be performed on the morning of the preceding oestrus. Adrenalectomy alone, or adrenalectomy with ovariectomy, performed on the afternoon of dioestrus did not affect the levels of methionine incorporation in the brain or anterior pituitary at 18.00 h on the day of prooestrus.

Animals which had been ovariectomized and injected with 2·5 μg oestradiol benzoate on the morning of oestrus showed significantly increased levels of methionine incorporation in all the brain areas and the anterior pituitary at 18.00 h of expected pro-oestrus. The administration of antibody to oestrogen to a similar group of animals on the afternoon of expected dioestrus inhibited the rise at 18.00 h of expected pro-oestrus. The apparent discrepancy between the results obtained with ovariectomy and the antiserum appeared to be due to the ability of the antiserum to neutralize the activity of oestrogens retained by the tissues.

The present results suggest that the changes in incorporation of methionine into protein in the brain and anterior pituitary are brought about by the action of endogenous oestrogen: there appears to be a steady summative effect on the median eminence throughout the oestrous cycle together with a short-lived effect occurring during pro-oestrus and affecting the anterior pituitary.

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Ingram JR
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JN Crockford
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LR Matthews
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Seasonal changes in the activity and responsiveness of the adrenal gland in red deer (Cervus elaphus) stags were quantified by measuring 24 h endogenous cortisol secretory profiles and plasma cortisol responses to either administration of exogenous ACTH or a standardised stressor during November (period of velvet growth), February (pre-rut), April (mid-rut) and July (post-rut) (southern hemisphere) using a remote blood sampling device (DracPac). Ultradian rhythms in the concentration of plasma cortisol were observed resulting from the episodic secretion of cortisol from the adrenal cortex at a mean rate of 0.8 pulses/h. Circadian rhythms in plasma cortisol concentrations were also found in 11 out of the 20 complete 24 h profiles (mean amplitude, 3.8+/-1.4 ng/ml). Seasonal rhythms in mean 24 h plasma cortisol concentrations and cortisol pulse parameters were also observed. Mean 24 h plasma cortisol concentrations were higher in November (12.5+/-1.0 ng/ml) than in February (6.3+/-1.0 ng/ml), April (4.0+/-1.0 ng/ml) or July (4.2+/-1. 0 ng/ml). Cortisol pulse height, nadir and amplitude were all significantly higher in November than at other times of the year (P<0.01). Peak cortisol concentrations following infusion of ACTH(1-24) (0.04 IU kg(-1)) were higher (P<0.05) in November (55.8+/-2.7 ng/ml) and lower (P<0.001) in April (33.7+/-1.8 ng/ml) than those in February and July (48.7+/-2.0 ng/ml and 45.4+/-2.0 ng/ml respectively). The area under the cortisol response curve was significantly smaller (P<0.05) in April (266.6+/-15.3 ng/ml/190 min) than at other times of the year (February, 366.1+/-15.3 ng/ml/190 min; July, 340.7+/-15.3 ng/ml/190 min and November, 387.8+/-21.2 ng/ml/190 min). These data demonstrate that the adrenal gland of the red deer stag exhibits ultradian, circadian and seasonal rhythms in activity, and that its responsiveness to ACTH varies with season. November, a period of reproductive quiescence in the southern hemisphere, with new antler growth and rapid weight gain, is associated with higher mean plasma cortisol concentrations and a greater responsiveness to exogenous ACTH. In contrast, the breeding season is associated with lower adrenal activity and responsiveness.

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J Lund
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J Arendt
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SM Hampton
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LM Morgan
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The circadian rhythms of many night-shift workers are maladapted to their imposed behavioural schedule, and this factor may be implicated in the increased occurrence of cardiovascular disease (CVD) reported in shift workers. One way in which CVD risk could be mediated is through inappropriate hormonal and metabolic responses to meals. This study investigated the responses to standard meals at different circadian times in a group of night-shift workers on a British Antarctic Survey station at Halley Bay (75 degrees S) in Antarctica. Twelve healthy subjects (ten men and two women) were recruited. Their postprandial hormone and metabolic responses to an identical mixed test meal of 3330 kJ were measured on three occasions: (i) during daytime on a normal working day, (ii) during night-time at the beginning of a period of night-shift work, and (iii) during the daytime on return from night working to daytime working. Venous blood was taken for 9 h after the meal for the measurement of glucose, insulin, triacylglycerol (TAG) and non-esterified fatty acids. Urine was collected 4-hourly (longer during sleep) on each test day for assessment of the circadian phase via 6-sulphatoxymelatonin (aMT6s) assay. During normal daytime working, aMT6s acrophase was delayed (7.7+/-1.0 h (s.e.m.)) compared with that previously found in temperate zones in a comparable age-group. During the night shift a further delay was evident (11.8+/-1.9 h) and subjects' acrophases remained delayed 2 days after return to daytime working (12.4+/-1.8 h). Integrated postprandial glucose, insulin and TAG responses were significantly elevated during the night shift compared with normal daytime working. Two days after their return to daytime working, subjects' postprandial glucose and insulin responses had returned to pre-shift levels; however, integrated TAG levels remained significantly elevated. These results are very similar to those previously found in simulated night-shift conditions; it is the first time such changes have been reported in real shift workers in field conditions. They provide evidence that the abnormal metabolic responses to meals taken at night during unadapted night shifts are due, at least in part, to a relative insulin resistance, which could contribute to the documented cardiovascular morbidity associated with shift work. When applied to the 20% of the UK workforce currently employed on shift work, these findings have major significance from an occupational health perspective.

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E. S. Maywood
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M. H. Hastings
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A. S. I. Loudon
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The aim of this study was to develop a radioimmunoassay for the measurement of endogenous circulating melatonin concentrations in the Syrian hamster, and then to determine the effect of various photic manipulations upon this endocrine signal. In experiment 1, pineal-intact or pinealectomized adult male Syrian hamsters, housed under a long photoperiod (LD; 16 h light:8 h darkness) for 2 weeks, were then either maintained on LD or transferred to a short photoperiod (SD; 8 h light:16 h darkness) for a further 8 weeks. The profile of serum melatonin concentrations was determined from blood samples taken by cardiac puncture at intervals over a 24-h period. Radioimmunoassay revealed that daytime concentrations were at or below the limit of sensitivity of the assay (≥ 50 pmol/l). Under both photoperiods, the concentration of melatonin in the serum of pineal-intact animals rose 4–5 h after the onset of darkness, and the peak amplitude of the melatonin rhythm was not significantly different between the SD- or LD-housed animals (200–250 pmol/l). Premature exposure of animals to light during the dark phase of LD caused a precipitous decline in circulating concentrations to daytime values within 15 min and they remained there for several hours. In animals which experienced an uninterrupted night on either LD or SD, the most striking difference in the rhythm of endogenous melatonin secretion was the duration. Animals housed under LD had high levels until the start of the light period, a peak duration of 3·7 h. In contrast, animals housed under SD exhibited a peak duration of 10 h, levels falling 1·5 h before the start of the light period. The nocturnal increase in serum melatonin concentration was abolished in pinealectomized animals. Serum levels in these animals were not significantly different from those observed in pineal-intact animals during the light phase, being at, or very close to, the limit of sensitivity of the assay.

In experiment 2, animals were housed under LD prior to transfer to continuous darkness for 10 days, during which time their locomotor activity rhythms were recorded. Animals were then chronically cannulated and serial blood samples were removed from the jugular vein at hourly intervals, starting 48 h after surgery. A pronounced circadian rhythm in plasma melatonin concentrations was observed, with levels rising significantly 3 h after the onset of activity and falling 10 h later. During subjective day, levels were at or below the limit of sensitivity of the assay. At the end of the study, pineal melatonin was also measured at intervals across the circadian cycle. This revealed a very close correlation between the plasma and pineal concentrations of melatonin, the duration and phase of both nocturnal peaks being equivalent. These results confirm that the duration of the nocturnal secretion of melatonin varies in proportion to the length of the dark phase, that this rhythm is endogenously driven, and that peak physiological levels of melatonin in this species are of the order of 200 pmol/l.

Journal of Endocrinology (1993) 136, 65–73

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Thomas Dickmeis Institute of Toxicology and Genetics, Forschungszentrum Karlsruhe, Hermann-von-Helmholtz-Platz 1, D-76344 Eggenstein-Leopoldshafen, Germany

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sufficient to create circadian cycles of phosphorylation in a test tube, suggesting that, at least in this system, a circadian rhythm can be generated without a transcription–translation feedback loop ( Nakajima et al . 2005 ). However, recent results

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Anthony H Tsang Medical Department I, University of Lübeck, Lübeck, Germany

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Mariana Astiz Medical Department I, University of Lübeck, Lübeck, Germany

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Maureen Friedrichs Medical Department I, University of Lübeck, Lübeck, Germany

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Henrik Oster Medical Department I, University of Lübeck, Lübeck, Germany

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physiological target systems according to the time of day. It has long been appreciated that many hormones show circadian rhythms in the circulation ( Pincus et al . 1954 , Moore & Eichler 1972 ). Both central and peripheral tissue clocks impinge on such

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