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evidence upon which Harris' hypothesis was based had been obtained primarily from studies of the female, most likely because ovulation was a discrete and readily detected event and, at the time, the only reliable surrogate marker of acute hypothalamic
Department of Biological Regulation, Weizmann Institute of Science, Rehovot, Israel
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Department of Biological Regulation, Weizmann Institute of Science, Rehovot, Israel
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Department of Biological Regulation, Weizmann Institute of Science, Rehovot, Israel
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Department of Biological Regulation, Weizmann Institute of Science, Rehovot, Israel
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Department of Biological Regulation, Weizmann Institute of Science, Rehovot, Israel
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Department of Biological Regulation, Weizmann Institute of Science, Rehovot, Israel
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Department of Biological Regulation, Weizmann Institute of Science, Rehovot, Israel
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Department of Biological Regulation, Weizmann Institute of Science, Rehovot, Israel
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Introduction The individual phases of the normal ovarian life cycle are controlled by a highly synchronized and exquisitely timed cascade of gene expression ( Richards 1994 , Richards et al. 1995 ). Ovulation, a complex process
Departments of Animal Science
Molecular Reproductive Endocrinology Laboratory, Michigan State University, East Lansing, Michigan 48824, USA
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Departments of Animal Science
Molecular Reproductive Endocrinology Laboratory, Michigan State University, East Lansing, Michigan 48824, USA
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Departments of Animal Science
Molecular Reproductive Endocrinology Laboratory, Michigan State University, East Lansing, Michigan 48824, USA
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Departments of Animal Science
Molecular Reproductive Endocrinology Laboratory, Michigan State University, East Lansing, Michigan 48824, USA
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Departments of Animal Science
Molecular Reproductive Endocrinology Laboratory, Michigan State University, East Lansing, Michigan 48824, USA
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Introduction Ovulation, triggered by the preovulatory luteinizing hormone (LH) surge, is a prerequisite for fertilization and embryonic development. Preovulatory degradation of the extracellular matrix at the follicle apex is a
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) and energy homeostasis ( Leonardsson et al. 2004 ). This review will focus on the function of RIP140 in the ovary to regulate ovulation and in adipose tissue to regulate fat accumulation. RIP140 binds to nuclear receptors in a ligand
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The effects of thymulin administration beginning on days 19 or 24 of age on spontaneous puberty and gonadotrophin-induced ovulation were analysed in female normal and hypothymic mice. In normal and hypothymic mice, the daily administration of thymulin at 24 days of age resulted in a delay in the age of vaginal opening, with an increase in serum progesterone levels. Normal mice treated with 200 ng thymulin beginning on day 19 of age and injected with pregnant mare serum gonadotrophin (PMSG) 24 h later had an increase in ovulation rate, number of ova shed and weight of the ovaries. None of the hypothymic mice treated with thymulin on day 19 and PMSG on day 20 ovulated. PMSG treatment on day 25 induced ovulation in hypothymic mice. When these animals were injected previously with 200 ng thymulin, the number of ova shed by ovulating animals was lower than in PMSG-treated animals. Administration of thymulin and sequential injection of PMSG and human chorionic gonadotrophin 54 h later resulted in an increase in ovulatory response in comparison with those receiving only PMSG. The results suggest that thymulin plays a role in the regulation of spontaneous puberty through its effects on adrenal and ovarian endocrine functions. The increase in the ovarian PMSG response-treated animals, previously given thymulin, showed that this thymic hormone participates in the regulation of gonadotrophin secretion mechanisms and seems to be dose- and age-dependent. In hypothymic mice, neuroendocrine mechanisms regulating puberty are different from those of normal mice.
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Previous data suggest that developmental increases in peripheral concentrations of insulin-like growth factor-I (IGF-I) may be one of several neuroendocrine signals that regulate the timing of puberty. In order to test this hypothesis further, normal juvenile female rhesus monkeys (Con; n = 6) were compared with age-matched animals (Igf; n = 4) which received a constant subcutaneous infusion of recombinant human IGF-I (110 micrograms/kg/day) from 18 through 36 months of age. Menstrual bleeding was monitored and ovulation was inferred from a sustained rise in serum progesterone. In order to assess the sensitivity of luteinizing hormone-releasing hormone (LHRH) neurons to excitation, the response of serum LH to the acute administration of the glutamate receptor agonist N-methyl-D, L-aspartic acid (NMDA) was assessed prior to menarche, 2 months following menarche, and during the follicular phase of a female's third ovulation or 50 days after a female's first ovulation. In addition, the pituitary response of LH secretion to an LHRH agonist was assessed during the follicular phase of a female's fourth ovulation or 75 days following her first ovulation. IGF-I treatment effectively elevated serum concentrations by more than 86% of the values observed in Con animals. Although the treatment also enhanced the developmental increase in IGF binding protein-3 (IGFBP-3), IGF-I was increased proportionately more, resulting in a significantly higher molar ratio of IGF-I:IGFBP-3 in treated females throughout the course of the study. Treatment with IGF-I did not affect age at menarche but did significantly advance the age of first ovulation. Consequently, the interval between menarche and first ovulation was significantly shorter in Igf compared with Con females. Although the total number of ovulations exhibited by Igf (3.8 +/- 0.3) and Con females (3.0 +/- 0.5) in the 12 months following menarche was similar, significantly more of these were characterized by normal luteal phase progesterone secretion in Igf (100% +/- 0) compared with Con females (64% +/- 17). An analysis of cycles with a normal luteal phase revealed that serum estradiol during the luteal phase was significantly higher in Igf compared with Con females. Finally, IGF-treated females responded to NMDA treatment with a significantly greater increase in serum LH following menarche but not prior to menarche. In contrast, the response of serum LH to an LHRH agonist did not differ between Igf and Con females. These data suggest that the premature elevation in IGF-I levels, and consequently the ratio of IGF-I:IGFBP-3, accelerates the tempo of the final stages of puberty in rhesus monkeys. This action of IGF-I is probably the result of an increase in LHRH neuronal activity and is not due to a change in pituitary sensitivity to LHRH stimulation. In addition, ovarian sensitivity to LH stimulation during the luteal phase is also increased by IGF-I. Taken together, these data suggest that developmental increases in peripheral IGF-I secretion participate in the neuroendocrine regulation of puberty in female primates.
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The effects of thymectomy performed on 10-day-old (Tx-10) mice on spontaneous puberty and the ovulatory response induced by gonadotrophin treatment were analysed, together with the effects of thymulin replacement from 10 days of age. Infantile thymectomy induced a delay of puberty, a decrease in serum 17beta-oestradiol concentration and a reduced total number of follicles. Injection of thymulin (12 ng/g body weight) to Tx-10 mice resulted in an earlier onset of puberty, a decrease in the weights of ovaries and uterus, and an increase in serum 17beta-oestradiol concentrations. In control and Tx-10 mice, treatment with pregnant mare serum gonadotrophin (PMSG) (5 IU) at 25 days of age resulted in ovulation and the numbers of ova shed by ovulating animals were similar. When the animals were injected with 1 IU PMSG ovulation did not occur. In Tx-10 mice, both 1 and 5 IU PMSG increased the number of follicles to values similar to those observed in the controls. In Tx-10 mice the sequential injection of PMSG (1 IU) and human chorionic gonadotrophin (hCG) (3 IU) resulted in ovulation, but the number of ova shed was lower than in controls. When these animals were injected daily with thymulin, an increase in the number of ova shed and serum 17beta-oestradiol concentrations was observed. The uterine weight of Tx-10 mice was always significantly reduced in response to gonadotrophin treatment. Thymulin injection in PMSG-hCG-treated Tx-10 mice provoked a significant increase in uterine weight. The results suggest that the presence of the thymus after the neonatal period is necessary to normal ovarian development and function. The increase in gonadotrophin-induced ovarian response produced by thymulin replacement indicates that this peptide has a role in this process as one of the connecting signals between thymus and ovaries.
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The ovulatory process in mammals involves gross physiological events in the ovary that cause transient deterioration of the ovarian connective tissue and rupture of the apical walls of mature follicles. This gonadotropin-induced process has features similar to an acute inflammatory reaction that affects most of the ovary. The present study reveals that the ovulatory events include induction of mRNA for pancreatitis-associated protein-III (PAP-III). Immature Wistar rats were primed with 10 IU equine chorionic gonadotropin s.c., and 48 h later the 12-h ovulatory process was initiated by 10 IU human chorionic gonadotropin (hCG) s.c. Ovarian RNA was extracted at 0, 2, 4, 8, 12 and 24 h after the animals were injected with hCG. The RNA extracts were used for RT-PCR differential display to detect PAP-III gene expression in the stimulated ovarian tissue. Northern blotting showed that transcription was significantly greater at 4-12 h after the ovaries had been stimulated by hCG. In situ hybridization indicated that PAP-III mRNA expression was limited mainly to the hilar region of the ovarian stroma, with most of the signal emanating from endothelial cells that lined the inner walls of blood vessels, and from small secondary follicles. Treatment of the animals with ovulation-blocking doses of indomethacin (an inhibitor of prostanoid synthesis) or epostane (an inhibitor of progesterone synthesis) revealed that ovarian transcription of PAP-III mRNA was moderately dependent on ovarian progesterone synthesis. In conclusion, the present evidence of an increase in PAP-III gene expression in gonadotropin-stimulated ovaries provides further evidence that the ovulatory process is comparable to an inflammatory reaction.
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Ovarian cells within the area of impending follicular rupture in the sheep exhibit evidence of DNA fragmentation. Most cells undergo a degenerative process indicative of apoptosis and are deleted before ovulation. However, some ovarian surface epithelial cells located along the margins of ruptured follicles persist (with damaged DNA) into the ensuing luteal phase. It is conceivable that a genetically-altered progenitor cell that has survived a sub-lethal insult at ovulation (i.e. with unrepaired DNA but not committed to death) could give rise to a malignant phenotype that is propagated during the postovulatory ovarian surface wound-repair process. It was hypothesized that progesterone derived from the formative corpus luteum reestablishes genomic integrity among ovarian surface epithelial cells contiguous with the ovulatory site and that this response is mediated by the DNA repair/apoptosis-activating enzyme poly(ADP-ribose) polymerase (PARP). Ovarian surface epithelial cells immediately surrounding the ovulatory stigma of sheep follicles were recovered on luteal days 1, 2 or 4; control cells were obtained from an ipsilateral ovarian region removed from the point of ovulation. Immunofluorescent staining of end-linked digoxigenin or poly(ADP-ribose) was used to detect fragmented DNA or PARP-modified proteins within individual cells. Approximately 25% of surface epithelial cells that bordered the ovarian rupture site contained damaged DNA on days 1 and 2; there was a dramatic decrease by day 4 (< 5%). The decline in DNA-compromised cells was negated by in vivo inhibition of lutein progesterone production invoked by ovarian perivascular injection (day 1) of the 3 beta-hydroxysteroid dehydrogenase inhibitor isoxazol; this effect was reversed by exogenous progesterone. There was a positive relationship on day 2 between the level of ovarian progesterone and immunostaining of ADP-ribose polymers in surface epithelial cells associated with the ovulatory site. Evidence of DNA fragmentation or PARP activity in control cells was low and not affected by time of sample collection or treatments. The progesterone receptor antagonist RU486 and the transcriptional inhibitor actinomycin D blocked increases in PARP in ovarian surface epithelial cells incubated with progesterone. It is suggested that DNA damage to ovarian surface epithelium that is inflicted at ovulation is (normally) reconciled on a localized basis by progesterone/PARP-mediated repair or dedicated apoptotic cell death thereby conferring protection against clonal transformation.
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In the present study we examined the consequences of intrauterine growth retardation and postnatal food restriction on the maturational process of sexual development by studying onset of first cycle. In addition, we investigated the effect of pregnant mare serum gonadotropin (PMSG) on ovarian growth and ovulation in intrauterine growth-retarded (IUGR) and postnatally food-restricted (PFR) rats. Intrauterine growth retardation was induced by uterine artery ligation on day 17 of gestation and food restriction was achieved by enlarging the litter to 20 pups per mother from day 2 after birth until weaning (day 24). In control rats, vaginal opening and the first cycle took place on the same day. In IUGR rats, uncoupling occurred between vaginal opening and the first cycle. Vaginal opening was delayed (P<0.05) and the first cycle was even further delayed (P<0.01) compared with controls. Body weight in IUGR rats was lower (P<0.05) at vaginal opening, but at first cycle and after stimulation with 50 IU PMSG in the first cycle it was similar to that in controls. In the ovaries of IUGR rats, the numbers of primordial (P<0.05), growing (P<0.01) and antral follicles (P<0.01), and the total number of follicles (P<0.01) were lower than in controls after stimulation with 50 IU PMSG at first cycle. The number of corpora lutea in the ovaries of the IUGR rats and the controls was similar and reflected superovulation. In the PFR rats, vaginal opening occurred at the same time as in control rats, but at a lower body weight (P<0.01). First cycle was much delayed (P<0.01), by which time body weight was greater (P<0.01) than that of controls at first cycle. On the basis of the differences in weight and age between PFR rats and controls at first cycle, we performed two studies. In study A, ovaries were analysed histologically 42 h after stimulation with PMSG at first cycle of control rats and age-matched PFR rats. In study B, the ovaries of PFR rats at first cycle and age-matched control rats were examined 42 h after PMSG stimulation. In the ovaries of the PFR rats in study A, a greater total number of follicles (P<0.05) was observed, represented by a greater number of primordial follicles (P<0.01) and a lower number of antral follicles (P<0.05), including corpora lutea. The number of corpora lutea in the ovaries of the PFR rats was significantly lower than that in controls (P<0.01). The total number of follicles in the ovaries of the PFR rats of study B did not differ from the age-matched controls after PMSG stimulation at first cycle, and neither did the number of the follicles in the different classes. We conclude that, in IUGR rats at first cycle, PMSG can induce multiple follicular growth and development followed by superovulation comparable to that in controls, despite a decreased total number of follicles in the ovaries. However, in PFR rats of the same age, the ovary is not capable of responding adequately to PMSG, despite a greater total number of follicles. Stimulation with PMSG at first cycle resulted in follicular growth and superovulation comparable to those in age-matched controls. Undernutrition in different critical time periods around birth in the rat leads to ovarian development in such a way that, in both groups, an increased risk of reduced reproductive capacity can be expected.