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N LaPaglia
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N Emanuele
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Proper nutritional status is critical for maintaining growth and metabolic function, playing an intimate role in neuroendocrine regulation. Leptin, the recently identified product of the obese gene, may very well be an integral signal which regulates neuroendocrine responses in times of food deprivation. The present study examines leptin's ability to regulate hormonal synthesis and secretion within the GRF-GH-IGF axis in the adult male rat during almost 3 days of fasting. Serum levels of GH and IGF-I were drastically suppressed by fasting. Daily leptin administration was able to fully prevent the fasting-induced fall in serum GH. Leptin failed to restore IGF-I to control levels, however, suggesting possible GH resistance. Fasting caused an insignificant increase in GH mRNA, while leptin injections significantly increased steady-state levels of this message. The GRF receptor (GRFr) message was not altered with fasting or leptin treatment. Leptin also exhibited effects at the hypothalamic level. Fasting induced a sharp fall in GRF mRNA expression and leptin injections partially prevented this fall. However, there were no observed changes in the hypothalamic GRF content. These results provide evidence that leptin may function as a neuromodulator of the GRF-GH-IGF axis communicating to this hormonal system the nutritional status of the animal.

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J C Steiner
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N LaPaglia
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N V Emanuele
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M A Emanuele
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Ethanol (EtOH) has previously been shown to have profound effects on various endocrine systems. The present study further investigates the action of EtOH on testosterone and on the GH–IGF-I axis. Since these hormones are particularly important in male rats progressing through puberty, we examined the effect of 10 days of EtOH treatment at three different ages (35, 50 and 65 days old) as male rats progressed through puberty into adulthood. After 10 days of feeding a 6% EtOH liquid diet, serum testosterone levels were markedly decreased in all three ages (P<0·02 at 35 days, P<0·01 at 50 days and P<0·03 at 65 days). IGF-I was assessed and was differentially affected at each age. At 35 days IGF-I levels were suppressed by EtOH (P<0·0002), at 50 days no change was apparent, and at 65 days levels were significantly higher in EtOH-treated (P<0·01) compared with liquid-fed controls. The levels of IGF-I in the EtOH-treated animals paralleled pituitary GH mRNA levels with a significant fall in the expression of GH mRNA levels noted at 35 days (P<0·04), no change at 50 days and a significant rise observed at 65 days (P<0·03). At the hypothalamic level, GH-releasing hormone (GRF) mRNA was significantly reduced in the two younger EtOH-treated age groups compared with controls (P<0·04 at 35 days; P<0·02 at 50 days). At 65 days of age, EtOH did not alter GRF mRNA levels. No EtOH-induced changes were seen in GRF content at any age. These observations indicate definite age-related alterations in hormonal gene expression and circulating serum hormone levels and emphasize the importance of studying these critical peripubertal ages after chronic EtOH exposure.

Journal of Endocrinology (1997) 154, 363–370

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N Azad
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N LaPaglia
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L Agrawal
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S Uddin
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NV Emanuele
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We and others have identified luteinizing hormone-releasing hormone (LHRH) in cells of the immune system in both animals and humans. LHRH is an immunostimulant, and testosterone is an immunosuppressant. Because testosterone is known to modulate the concentrations of hypothalamic LHRH, we wondered whether testosterone might also alter the concentrations of rat thymic LHRH. Two weeks after castration or sham castration, adult male rats were implanted with either vehicle or testosterone capsules. All animals were killed 4 days after capsule implantation. Thymic LHRH concentration increased significantly in castrated animals. Testosterone replacement prevented this increase. The concentration of the LHRH precursor, proLHRH, decreased significantly, but testosterone replacement prevented this decrease. Steady-state concentrations of LHRH mRNA were not changed by castration or by hormonal replacement. In contrast to the post-castration increase in thymic LHRH, LHRH content of the hypothalamus decreased significantly. Whereas concentrations of LHRH were lower in the thymus than in the hypothalamus, proLHRH concentrations were much greater in the thymus. These data suggest that gonadal manipulation modulates LHRH molecular processing and its tissue concentration in the thymus in addition to those in the hypothalamus, and that the regulation of LHRH molecular processing by testosterone in the hypothalamus is different from that in the thymus.

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N Azad
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N LaPaglia
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L Kirsteins
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S Uddin
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D W Williams
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A M Lawrence
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N V Emanuele
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Jurkat cells were used to study the immunomodulatory role of luteinizing hormone-releasing hormone (LHRH) in immune cells. The Jurkat cell, a human mature leukemic cell line, phenotypically resembles resting human T lymphocytes and has been widely used to study T cell physiology. The data from this study demonstrate that the Jurkat cell concentration of immunoreactive LHRH was 210 ± 36 pg/106 cells and that of proLHRH was 188 ± 27 pg/106 cells (means ± s.e.m.). The authenticity of this LHRH immunoreactivity is documented in two ways. First, both Jurkat LHRH and proLHRH immunoreactivity demonstrate dilutional parallelism with hypothalamic LHRH and proLHRH. Second, Jurkat lysates show LHRH bioactivity by releasing luteinizing hormone from rat anterior pituitary cells in culture. The presence of substantial amounts of LHRH in medium in which Jurkat cells were cultured for 72 h indicated that LHRH can be released from the cells. Using specific primers to exons 2 and 4 of the LHRH gene, we have found that Jurkat cells (like human T cells) express LHRH mRNA.

The LHRH agonist, des-Gly10,d-Trp6-LHRH ethylamide, significantly increases the proliferative activity of Jurkat cells, as assessed by tritiated thymidine incorporation, from 15 980 ± 1491 c.p.m. in controls to 28 934 ± 3395, 30 457 ± 3861 (P=0·05 vs control) or 35 299 ± 5586 c.p.m. (P<0·01 vs control) with 10−11, 10−9 or 10−7 m agonist respectively. LHRH antagonist, [d-pGlu1,d-Phe2,d-Trp3,6]-LHRH, at a concentration of 10−8 m decreases Jurkat cell proliferative activity from 17 145 ± 526 c.p.m. in control medium to 10 653 ± 1323 c.p.m. (P=0·05). Co-incubation with the LHRH antagonist completely inhibits the proliferative stimulation induced by the LHRH agonist. Furthermore, applying monoclonal LHRH antibody to Jurkat cells inhibits the cell proliferative activity assessed by tritiated thymidine incorporation from 19 900 ± 2675 c.p.m. in controls to 15 680 ± 2254, 15 792 ± 1854 and 9700 ± 908 c.p.m. in media with 1:40, 1:20 and 1:10 dilution of purified antibody respectively (P<0·01, 1:10 dilution compared with control). In addition, the cAMP level in LHRH-stimulated Jurkat cells is decreased to 74, 27 and 57% of control levels after 15, 30 and 45 min respectively of exposure to 10−7 m LHRH agonist.

In summary, Jurkat cells produce, process and release immunoreactive and bioactive LHRH, as do normal human T cells. Endogenous and exogenous LHRH increase Jurkat cell proliferative activity, and cAMP may be involved in LHRH-induced Jurkat cell proliferation. The Jurkat cell may be a useful model with which to study the role of LHRH in human T cell function.

Journal of Endocrinology (1997) 153, 241–24

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J J Tentler
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N LaPaglia
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J Steiner
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M Castelli
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M R Kelley
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N V Emanuele
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M A Emanuele
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The deleterious effects of ethanol on the hypothalamic pituitary growth hormone axis in adult male humans and animals have been well documented. It is also well established that ethanol has toxic effects on testicular function in adult humans and animals. Much less is known, however, about the effects of ethanol on the growth hormone (GH) axis and testicular function in adolescence. Recent studies have established that adolescent problem drinking is a widespread and growing threat to the health of young people in the United States. In the present study, therefore, we investigated if acute ethanol exposure in peripubertal male Sprague–Dawley rats altered normal pituitary and testicular function.

Serum levels of GH and testosterone were measured at 1·5, 3, 6, and 24 h after a single i.p. injection of either saline or 3 g/kg body weight ethanol. Histologic analysis as well as serum testosterone levels allowed us to assign animals to either early puberty (35-day-old animals), mid-puberty (41-day-old animals), or young adult (51- and 66-day-old animals) status. Ethanol produced significant decrements in serum testosterone in the 51-and 66-day-old animals, with a trend toward suppression in the 41-day-old group. Furthermore acute ethanol administration significantly decreased serum GH (P< 0·0001 by 3 way ANOVA) demonstrating a significant effect of ethanol on serum GH in all age groups and at all time points studied when compared with saline injected controls (P<0·01 by Tukey's studentized range test). Despite this significant fall in peripheral GH levels, there was no decrease in either GH mRNA or growth hormone-releasing factor (GRF) mRNA levels nor in hypothalamic concentration of GRF peptide.

We conclude that, as in adult animals, acute exposure to ethanol causes a prolonged and severe decrement in serum GH which is possibly mediated at the level of secretion. In addition, there is attenuation in testosterone secretion. These data are all the more important since GH and testosterone play critical roles in organ maturation during this stage of development.

Journal of Endocrinology (1997) 152, 477–487

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