Estrogen induces proliferation of breast epithelial cells and is responsible for breast development at puberty. This tightly regulated control is lost in estrogen-receptor-positive (ER+) breast cancers, which comprise over 70% of all breast cancers. Currently, breast cancer diagnosis and treatment considers only the α isoform of ER; however, there is a second ER, ERβ. Whilst ERα mediates estrogen-driven proliferation of the normal breast in puberty and breast cancers, ERβ has been shown to exert an anti-proliferative effect on the normal breast. It is not known how the expression of each ER (alone or in combination) correlates with the ability of estrogen to induce proliferation in the breast. We assessed the levels of each ER in normal mouse mammary glands subdivided into proliferative and non-proliferative regions. ERα was most abundant in the proliferative regions of younger mice, with ERβ expressed most abundantly in old mice. We correlated this expression profile with function by showing that the ability of estrogen to induce proliferation was reduced in older mice. To show that the ER profile associated with breast cancer risk, we assessed ER expression in parous mice which are known to have a reduced risk of developing ERα breast cancer. ERα expression was significantly decreased yet co-localization analysis revealed ERβ expression increased with parity. Parous mice had less unopposed nuclear ERα expression and increased levels of ERβ. These changes suggest that the nuclear expression of ERs dictates the proliferative nature of the breast and may explain the decreased breast cancer risk with parity.
Estrogen has long been linked to breast cancer stimulation and underlies the effectiveness of anti-estrogen therapies such as tamoxifen to block the growth and recurrence of hormonally responsive breast cancer. At present, anti-estrogen therapy focuses on blocking the action of ERα, one of two ER subtypes present within the breast, due to its overexpression in 70% of breast cancers (Masood 1992). ERα is expressed within a subset of luminal epithelial cells in the mouse mammary epithelium and mediates the proliferative effects of estrogen (Pettersson et al. 2000, Ström et al. 2004). A series of ERα-deficient mouse models have revealed that it is required for mammary ductal elongation, pregnancy-induced tertiary branching and the proliferation and maintenance of differentiating alveolar cells (Bocchinfuso et al. 2000, Dupont et al. 2000, Feng et al. 2007). The role of ERα in cancer development is evidenced in its overexpression in the majority of breast cancers and increased expression in the breast tissue of populations at high breast cancer risk (Lawson et al. 1999). Furthermore, deregulation of ERα expression in mammary epithelial cells is sufficient to increase proliferation and development of ductal carcinoma in situ (Frech et al. 2005). Likewise, loss of ERα is associated with a reduction in mammary tumorigenesis in transgenic mice (Bocchinfuso & Korach 1997, Hewitt et al. 2002).
ERβ, the product of a second estrogen receptor gene (ESR2) located on a different chromosome (Gosden et al. 1986, Enmark et al. 1997), has almost complete homology to the original ERα in the DNA-binding domain (97%), and part homology to the ligand-binding domain (55%) (Li et al. 2004). In contrast to ERα, high expression of ERβ correlates with decreased proliferative markers and longer disease-free survival of breast cancer (Roger et al. 2001, Omoto et al. 2002, Esslimani-Sahla et al. 2004, Myers et al. 2004a , Gruvberger-Saal et al. 2007, Sugiura et al. 2007, Leygue & Murphy 2013, Hieken et al. 2015) yet its expression is rarely considered for clinical management of disease.
ERβ is expressed in high (near ubiquitous) levels throughout the epithelium of the breast, yet mice deficient in ERβ appear to have a normal mammary histology (Krege et al. 1998). ERβ appears to play a more subtle role in mammary gland development, mediating the terminal differentiation of the gland during pregnancy and lactation as well as an effect on intercellular junctions and proliferation (Forster et al. 2002). Over the last decade, evidence for an anti-proliferative role for ERβ in numerous organs has also emerged (Risbridger et al. 2007, Leygue & Murphy 2013) and work by ourselves and others has demonstrated a role for ERβ in negatively regulating the estrogen-induced pro-proliferative actions of ERα. For example, if ERβ and ERα are co-expressed in a cancer cell, estradiol and phytoestrogens have been shown to reduce proliferation in breast and prostate cancer cell lines in vitro (Ström et al. 2004, Powell et al. 2012). Coupled with the aforementioned observations of high ERβ expression correlating with less aggressive breast cancer cases, the ratio of ERα:ERβ in clinical breast cancers specimens has also been shown to increase with increasing stage of breast cancer (Powell et al. 2012). However, support for this anti-proliferative role of ERβ has largely come from work in the setting of breast cancer, and there remains a limited understanding of the interaction of the ERs in the normal breast.
Transcript and protein levels of ERα and ERβ have been assessed in mammary tissue of rats throughout development (Saji et al. 2000, 2001), showing a widespread expression of ERβ throughout development except during the proliferative phase of pregnancy when ERβ levels were lost. However, the protein expression work was performed at low resolution and does not allow the assessment of subcellular localization of each ER. Here, we have assessed the levels of expression of ERα and ERβ in the mouse mammary gland and correlated expression and estradiol sensitivity with proliferation rate of the gland in different regions and at different ages. We show for the first time that mice at low risk of breast cancer (parous mice) have a less proliferative ER signature; low ERα and high nuclear expression of ERβ. We propose from this work that the levels of both receptors within the normal breast epithelium are important in determining the proliferative nature of the gland and could be used to predict developmental stages of oncogenic vulnerability.
Materials and methods
All animal work was completed under Monash University Animal Ethics Committee approval. All mice were housed in microisolated cages and provided with water and chow ad libitum. 5- to 6-week-old FVB females were bred with similarly aged FVB males. Pregnant mothers carried their offspring to term and underwent full nursing (lactation for 3 weeks) before pups were removed at the normal weaning age (21 days). Mothers were then left for 10 weeks to return to a resting parous state, avoiding the transient increased triple negative breast cancer risk period that immediately follows pregnancy (Schedin 2006). Age-matched virgin FVB females were used as controls. For estrogen sensitivity studies, mice at 6 to 9 weeks of age were ovariectomized and treated with estrogen or vehicle 7 days later, a time point selected based on assays by Haslam (Haslam 1989).
Tissue collection
Each animal assessed was taken at the estrus stage of the cell cycle as determined by vaginal smear except where estrus cyclicity was not yet established. Fourth mammary glands were excised and divided into 3 portions (proximal to the nipple, middle region and distal tips) to compare receptor expression and proliferative response between different regions of the mammary gland. We assessed these three regions separately as the distal tips have been shown to be the most proliferative (Russo & Russo 1980). Mammary gland portions were formalin fixed, paraffin embedded and sectioned prior to immunolabeling.
Primary antibodies against ER isoforms were mouse monoclonal anti human ERα 1:40 (clone ID5, DAKO) and chicken anti human ERβ 1:50 a kind gift from Jan-Ake Gustafsson. The specificity of chicken polyclonal 503 IgY ERβ antibody has been tested previously using peptide pre-absorption in rat tissue (Saji et al. 2000) and also in ERβ knockout mice (Maneix et al. 2015). It recognizes mouse ERbeta and mouse ERβ18aa ins but does not pick up human ERβ2 (or ERβcx) (Ogawa et al. 1998). We performed our own validation using MDA-MB-231 cells (which do not express ERβ) and MDA-MB-231 cells overexpressing ERβ1 (Supplementary Methods and Supplementary Fig. 1, see section on supplementary data given at the end of this article) and show that only MDA-MB-231 cells expressing ERβ1 showed positive staining. We also performed validation studies with the CWK ERβ antibody (CWK-F12, DSHB) generated by B Katzenellenbogen that was validated as specific for ERβ using rapid immunoprecipitation mass spectrometry of endogenous protein (RIME) (Nelson et al. 2017). Both the ERα and ERβ primary antibodies also have demonstrated cross-reactivity to mouse tissue in previous studies (Weihua et al. 2001, Dall et al. 2017). Rat monoclonal anti BrDU antibody (clone BU1/75 (ICR1), AbD Serotec, Kidlington, UK), rabbit polyclonal anti-phosphorylated Ki67 (Leica Biosystems) and purified mouse anti-E-cadherin (clone 36/E-Cadherin, BD Biosciences, Franklyn Lakes, NJ, USA) were also used. For immunohistochemistry, biotinylated secondary antibodies were used correlating to the appropriate isotype. For immunofluorescence, anti-mouse IgG1 555 fluorescently labeled secondary antibody was used for ERα, anti-chicken 488 fluorescently labeled secondary antibody was used for ERβ and anti-mouse IgG2a 647 fluorescently labeled secondary antibody was used for E-Cadherin (Invitrogen).
Immunolabelling on paraffin sections
Sections were dewaxed and rehydrated through graded alcohols into water. Heat-mediated antigen retrieval was performed in 0.01 M citrate buffer (pH 6.0) using either a pressure cooker for ERα, ERβ and Ki67 or microwave for BrDU. Where appropriate endogenous peroxidase blocking by incubating sections in 3% hydrogen peroxide (Merck Millipore) in methanol. Non-specific immunoreactivity was blocked by incubation with mouse immunoglobulin blocking reagent (M.O.M. Kit, Vector Laboratories, Peterborough, UK) and CAS block (Invitrogen). Primary antibodies as detailed earlier were applied to sections overnight at 4°C. Sections were washed several times in 0.05% TBS/tween and then incubated in appropriate secondary antibodies for 30 min up to 1.5 h at room temperature. Sections were washed using 0.05% TBS/tween. For immunohistochemical labeling, sections were treated with avidin-biotin-HRP complex (ABC-HRP; DAKO A/S) prior to protein localization using diaminobenzidine (liquid DAB; Dako). Sections were then counterstained and coverslipped for imaging. The CWK-F12 ERβ antibody was diluted to 1:25 and used on the Ventana Benchmark Ultra Autostainer. Briefly, tumor cell lines were deparaffinized, antigen retrieval done with Cell Conditioner 1 (CC1) for 40 min at 100°C and pre-primary peroxidase inhibitor for 5 min at room temperature. Primary antibody incubations were completed for 60 min at room temperature. Visualization on the autostainer was performed with OptiView DAB IHC Detection Kit (Ventana Medical Systems, Tucson, AZ, USA) and then counterstained with Mayer’s Hemotoxylin (Amber Scientific, Midvale, Australia) for 60 s. We also tried manual staining with the same CWK-F12 antibody and pressure cooking, but staining was not successful.
For immunofluorescence, sections were stained with DAPI (Roche)/PBS to label nuclei before coverslipping in Vectasheild mounting media (Vector Laboratories) for imaging.
Image capture
Immunohistochemical staining was imaged and captured on an Olympus BX-51 microscope (Olympus). All immunofluorescent sections were examined at room temperature using a NIKON CI inverted confocal microscope. PMT levels for all channels were set using a positive control young virgin mammary gland section. All images, including negative controls, were then taken with these settings to allow cross comparison. Images of sections were obtained using 60×/1.40–0.60 oil λ lenses and captured via NIS elements image acquisition software. Multicolor images were collected sequentially in three channels and co-localization overlays were generated using ImageJ software.
Quantification of ERα expression
Tissue blocks from each portion of the mammary gland were completely sectioned and a uniform systematic random sampling scheme was employed to quantitate ERα-positive cells as described in previous literature (Bianco et al. 2006), where every 20th section was selected for immunostaining. Tissues from all groups were processed in the same immunohistochemical assay to eliminate inter-assay variation. Once stained, quantification of immunoreactivity was performed using a BioPrecision2 microscope stage (LUDL), 99A400 Focus drive (LUDL), MAC5000 Controller (LUDL) and ND-281 Encoder (Heidenhain) coupled to an Olympus BX-51 microscope (Olympus). Sections were examined at 10× magnification, mapped to define tissue boundaries, and sampled at pre-determined intervals along the x and y axis using a single point grid counting frame to allow sampling of fraction of 10–40% of the selected tissue sections. Using brightfield imaging under 40× magnification, positive cells were scored and totaled for each representative section, and then compiled for each region (proximal, middle, distal) for each animal. The results are expressed as the percentage of total cells counted. The images were captured using a PixeLink PL-623C digital camera (PixeLink) coupled to a computer.
Quantification of ERα/ERβ co-localization
At least 5 images from each of n = 4–5 nulliparous or parous animals were assessed for the subcellular localization of ERα and ERβ. DAPI and E-cadherin staining were used to distinguish nuclear and cytoplasmic regions of the cell (Supplementary Fig. 2). The total number of epithelial cells was counted for each image as were the ERα+, ERβ+ and ERα/ERβ double positive cells. The percentages of ER expressing cells were expressed as a fraction of total cells.
Quantification of BrDU
At least 5 images from each of n = 5 mice at 6 or 9 weeks of age treated with oil or estradiol were taken and the percentage of BrDU-positive epithelial cells as a function of the total epithelial cells was determined in each section.
Determining the proliferative response to exogenous estrogen
The responsiveness of the mammary gland to the proliferative effects of estradiol can be assessed using ovariectomized mice treated with oil or estradiol (Haslam 1989). Pubertal or 9-week-old mice were ovariectomized and treated with either vehicle (peanut oil, Sigma), or one of three doses of estradiol: low (0.1 µg per gram body weight), medium (1 µg/gram BW) or high (10 µg/gram BW) 7 days post-surgery. All mice were killed after 48 h but were treated with 50 µg/g body weight bromodeoxyuridine (BrDU, Sigma) intraperitoneal 2 h prior to collection to allow proliferation to be assessed.
Statistical analysis
Results are presented as mean ± standard error of the mean (s.e.m.). Stereological assessment of ERα expression was tested for normality using a D’Agostino-Pearson omnibus test and then a non-parametric Mann–Whitney U test was used to assess statistical differences (GraphPad Prism software). For co-localization analysis of ERα and ERβ, a 2-way ANOVA with Tukey’s multiple comparisons test was used to assess statistical differences. Differences between experimental and control groups were considered significant at P < 0.05.
The mouse mammary gland shows structural differences including duct thickness, side branching and endowment of proliferative subtending branches in the regions located distal from the nipple (Russo & Russo 1980). To explore ERα and ERβ expression throughout the mammary gland, the tissue was divided into 3 equal portions (proximal, middle and distal regions) and the expression assessed according to each portion. The expression of ERα was limited to a subset of epithelial cells throughout the gland at all ages. However, at 4–6 weeks of age, the number of ERα-expressing cells was higher than that in the mature adult mammary gland (Fig. 1). The number of ERα-expressing cells in young mice was also higher in the more distal regions than that in the proximal regions (Fig. 1A (ii, iii) and B (ii, iii)).
In contrast to ERα, ERβ expression was ubiquitously expressed in all epithelial cells of the mouse mammary gland, at all ages (Fig. 2). Unlike ERα expression, ERβ was observed at equal levels across all regions of the ductal tree including the terminal end buds (TEBs) (Fig. 2A (iii) and B (iii)).
To assess whether the expression levels of ERα and ERβ were indicative of the proliferative nature of the mammary gland, 4-, 6- and 18-week old mammary glands were stained with Ki67 as a marker of cell division. As shown in Fig. 3, Ki67 expression was largely absent in the 4-week-old mammary gland (Fig. 3B) but increased in abundance in the 6-week-old mammary gland. By 18 weeks, the mammary gland exhibited modest Ki67 expression (Fig. 3C). Correlating with the increase in ERα expression observed in the middle and distal regions of the 6-week-old mammary gland (Fig. 1B (ii, iii)), Ki67 was also observed to be highest in these regions (Fig. 3B (ii, iii)).
To investigate if ER expression profiles correlated with the ability of estrogen to functionally induce the increase in proliferation observed in Fig. 3, we used an assay of estrogen sensitivity originally used to define when the mouse mammary gland first becomes responsive to the estrogen-induced proliferation (Haslam & Shyamala 1980, Haslam 1989). Estrogen treatment (0.1 µg/g BW) induced proliferation (indicated by detection of BrDU) in the epithelial and stromal cells across the mammary glands of 6-week-old animals that had been ovariectomized (Fig. 4), with greatest effect in the distal tips which had the highest ERα to ERβ ratio (Figs 1B (iii) and 2B (iii)).
Pubertal mice are presumed to be ultra-sensitive to estrogen whilst they undergo ductal elongation to fill the mammary fat pad. Consistent with this, the adult mammary tissue showed a less proliferative ER profile compared to the 6-week-old mammary gland (decreased ERα (Fig. 1C) and increased ERβ (Fig. 2C)). To confirm that the adult mice were functionally less sensitive to estrogen by nature of their altered ER profile, we used the in vivo assay of estrogen sensitivity described earlier. At the same dose of estrogen used to successfully stimulate epithelial cell proliferation in 6-week-old animals (Fig. 4), whilst the stroma did show a proliferative response, the epithelial cells in 9-week-old adult mice were unresponsive. This agrees with previous work showing that the epithelial cells are less sensitive than stromal cells to an estrogen stimulus (Haslam 1989). Instead they required 2 orders of magnitude higher dose to induce epithelial cell proliferation (Fig. 5). Even at this higher dose (10 µg/g BW), the adult mice showed a reduced response to estrogen-induced epithelial cell proliferation compared to pubertal animals (Fig. 6).
If the proliferative nature of the mammary gland aligns with breast cancer risk (increased proliferation = increased risk), we would expect the ER expression profile to reflect this. To test such a prediction, we assessed a mouse model of decreased ER+ breast cancer risk, parity (Russo et al. 1991, Medina & Smith 1999). Parous mice were generated by mating 6-week-old females and allowing them one cycle of pregnancy, lactation and involution before a 10-week period, allowing their mammary glands to return to pre-pregnant ductal architecture. ERα in the parous glands was decreased compared to age- and estrous-cycle-stage-matched nulliparous controls (Fig. 7). We sectioned the entire mammary gland from 5 animals and performed stereological quantification similar to the protocol we have used previously to assess follicle numbers in mouse ovaries (Myers et al. 2004b ). Our analysis allowed at least 100 cells per section to be assessed for ERα positivity (Fig. 7A, B and C). The number of ERα+ cells was significantly reduced in the middle and distal regions (P = 0.03) (Fig. 7D).
To assess whether the subcellular locations of ERα and ERβ aligned with proliferation, we performed immunofluorescence staining on parous and nulliparous mammary glands (Fig. 8). The ERα expression was again observed to be decreased in parous mammary glands compared to age-matched controls (Fig. 8B and E). ERβ expression was observed to be ubiquitously expressed throughout both parous and nulliparous glands (Fig. 8C and F). Due to the ubiquitous expression of ERβ in mammary epithelial cells, we performed all immunofluorescence on the same day and took all images using the same laser strength and detector settings, allowing quantification of ERα and ERβ expression in parous and age-matched nulliparous glands. As shown in Fig. 8F, the intensity of ERβ expression was higher in parous mammary glands compared to nulliparous.
When we assess co-localization of the ERs in parous and nulliparous mammary glands (Fig. 9 and Supplementary Fig. 2), ERα expression was restricted to the nucleus; however, ERβ showed either cytoplasmic or nuclear expression. In nulliparous mice, the percentage of cells expressing ERα alone was 9, 20 and 15% in proximal, middle and distal regions, respectively (Fig. 9C (i)). In accordance with our stereology findings, the parous glands had significant reductions in ERα-expressing cells in the middle and distal regions (28- and 13- fold reduction, respectively). In contrast, the percentage of cells with unopposed nuclear ERβ expression was significantly higher in parous mammary glands compared to nulliparous across all regions (increase of 3-, 2- and 4-fold for proximal, middle and distal, respectively) (Fig. 9C (ii)). The percentage of cells with nuclear ERα and ERβ co-expression was unchanged between parous and nulliparous mammary glands (Fig. 9C (iii)). Cells with nuclear ERα and cytoplasmic ERβ were significantly reduced in parous mammary glands compared to nulliparous in the proximal region only (9-fold decrease) (Fig. 9C (iv)). The middle and distal regions also showed a trend for a decrease in the parous mammary glands but this did not reach significance. The level of cytoplasmic ERβ alone expression was variable across the gland and was not significantly altered with parity (Fig. 9C (v)). We did not observe in any of our normal mammary sections co-localization of the ERs in the same sub-nuclear location. Even when both receptors were expressed in the nucleus, ERα was restricted to the euchromatin, and ERβ was present in the heterochromatin (Fig. 9A inset).
We assessed whether the changes in ERα and ERβ due to parity lead to a decrease in proliferation in the mammary gland using Ki67. The parous animals showed significantly lower levels of Ki67 staining compared to nulliparous mammary glands, indicating low levels of proliferation induced by parity (Fig. 10).
The normal breast is under the tight control of estrogen during growth and development. Both estrogen receptors, ERα and ERβ, are expressed in the normal mammary gland (Saji et al. 2000) and normal human breast (Petersen et al. 1987, Clarke et al. 1997, Speirs et al. 2000, 2002, Roger et al. 2001, Shaw et al. 2002) where it is believed they work in concert to maintain control of estrogen actions. While ERα is critical for mediating estrogen-dependent proliferation during mammary development, ERβ inhibits cell proliferation and promotes differentiation (Thomas & Gustafsson 2011). Here, we show that during active ductal development, ERα expression is high and ERβ is low correlating with a high proliferative index and high sensitivity to estrogen-induced proliferation. In contrast, at times of maintenance, ERα expression is low and ERβ is high which is an expression profile associated with low proliferation and lowered estrogen sensitivity. The proliferative ER expression profile is further decreased (as evidenced by decreased ERα and Ki67 expression and increased ERβ) in a parous mammary gland which is known to have a decreased risk of ER+ breast cancer.
Our studies found ERα expression to be most abundant in the 4-week-old mouse mammary gland, consistent with previous reports on protein and RNA levels (Saji et al. 2000, Dall et al. 2017). ERα expression remained high in the 6-week-old mammary gland, particularly in the TEBs that predominate in young mice and are known to be enriched for proliferating cells (Russo et al. 1982, Dall et al. 2017). By 18 weeks of age (by this stage a well-established adult mammary gland), ERα expression was reduced even in the distal tips that are derived from the TEBs. In contrast, ERβ expression was highly abundant throughout all developmental stages, similar to the staining patterns observed in the normal human breast previously (Speirs et al. 2000, 2002, Shaw et al. 2002). The expression pattern of ERα and ERβ we report agrees with existing work showing the normal mammary gland contains a high level of ERβ- (~85%) positive epithelial cells across all ages and whilst ERα expression is high in young mammary glands, on average only 10% of cells in adult ducts were ERα positive (Petersen et al. 1987, Clarke et al. 1997, Roger et al. 2001, Saji et al. 2001).
Previous protein expression studies collectively reported a lack of co-localization between ERα and proliferative markers in normal mammary gland cells (Clarke et al. 1997, Russo et al. 1999, Shoker et al. 1999, Saji et al. 2000) which was unexpected given that estrogen was believed to be driving proliferation. Later studies showing the control of proliferation by ERα through paracrine signaling (Wiesen et al. 1999, Mallepell et al. 2006) may explain the dissociation between ERα and proliferation marker expression. Further, additional studies have reported the immediate degradation of the ERα protein following transmission of the estrogen stimulus to proliferate (Reid et al. 2003, Cheng et al. 2004, Valley et al. 2005). Our data are in support of this in that estradiol-induced proliferation seemed to be controlled by ERα expression. Ki67 expression was higher in 6-week-old mammary glands compared to 18-week-old mammary glands and likewise lower levels of estradiol was able to stimulate mammary epithelial cell proliferation in ovariectomized 6-week-old mice compared to 10-week-old mice. This proliferative expression profile aligned closely with the expression of ERα and not ERβ. ERα is a major prognostic factor for breast cancer. It is expressed in the majority of breast cancers and also in the breast tissue of populations at high risk of breast cancer (Lawson et al. 1999). Deregulation of ERα expression increases proliferation and leads to the development of ductal carcinoma in situ (Frech et al. 2005). Thus, an increased ERα expression in the developing mammary gland, whilst important for ductal tree outgrowth, may signify a time in the mammary gland that is vulnerable to the oncogenic events that accompany increased proliferation. Early work by Russo et al.supports such a hypothesis by reporting higher incidence rates of mammary tumors in young mice treated with a chemical carcinogen compared to their older counterparts (Russo et al. 1979). Similarly, women exposed to environmental carcinogens such as pesticides and radiation are at an increased risk of developing breast cancer later in life if they were young at the time of exposure compared to those exposed at older ages (McGregor et al. 1977, Hoffman et al. 1989, Boice et al. 1991, Land et al. 2003, Cohn et al. 2007).
Providing further support for high ERα expression, correlating with an increased proliferative signature and higher risk of breast cancer, is the significant decrease in ERα we observed in our parous mice, which are known to be at a decreased risk of developing ER+ tumors (Russo et al. 1991, Medina & Smith 1999). This agrees with flow-cytometry data in mice showing a decrease in luminal Sca-1+ (luminal ER+) cells with parity (Meier-Abt et al. 2013) and human studies assessing the downstream target progesterone receptor (Muenst et al. 2017). Thus, the decreased ERα expression in parous mice may explain in part their decreased risk of cancer.
In estrogen-responsive breast cancer subtypes, ERα expression increases whilst ERβ expression decreases with increasing grade of breast cancer (Lawson et al. 1999, Roger et al. 2001, Powell et al. 2012). Within invasive breast cancers patients with ERβ-positive tumors had increased disease-free survival (Sugiura et al. 2007), which has been shown to also be independent of ERα status (Omoto et al. 2001, 2002). In line with this in vitro studies, we have revealed that ERβ overexpression in ERα+ breast cancers inhibits estrogen-stimulated proliferation and tumor growth (Omoto et al. 2003, Paruthiyil et al. 2004, Ström et al. 2004, Behrens et al. 2007). We assessed the level of ERβ co-expression and found that in addition to the loss of nuclear ERα-expressing cells, parous mice had a significant increase in nuclear ERβ-expressing cells compared to age-matched nulliparous controls. This suggests that the lower levels of proliferation in parous individuals shown here and by others (Russo & Russo 1996) may be due to the collaborative effects of lower levels of the pro-proliferative ERα and higher levels of the anti-proliferative ERβ in the gland.
The work herein shows an increase in nuclear ERβ expressing cells in parous individuals which correlates with a decrease in proliferation. This finding is somewhat supported by early in vitro work showing that overexpression, or even expression of ERβ at the same levels of ERα in breast cancer cell lines, resulted in a decrease in proliferation following estradiol treatment (Omoto et al. 2003, Paruthiyil et al. 2004, Ström et al. 2004, Behrens et al. 2007). Whilst we did observe a decrease in ERα expression and increase in ERβ in the parous mammary glands, there was no difference in the percentage of cells co-expressing ERα and ERβ in the nucleus. However, we have measured ER expression and co-localization in the normal setting, which is very different to the aforementioned forced co-expression studies using breast cancer cell lines. It was interesting that we did not observe direct co-localization of ERα and ERβ in the same nuclear location; however, we realize that a more sensitive method such as the proximity ligation assay would be required to confirm this. This would appear to contradict theories surrounding how ERβ regulates the proliferative actions of ERα, in that they state that they are required to be expressed in the same subcellular compartment (Pettersson et al. 2000, Saji et al. 2001, Powell et al. 2012). However, we did find proliferation (as measured by Ki67) was lower in parous mammary glands (that have low ERα alone and high nuclear ERβ alone expression) compared to nulliparous mammary glands. Therefore, our work suggests that ERβ may control ERα transcriptional activity without the need for direct physical interaction, but this requires further testing.
Our work shows that high ERα expression levels dictate the estrogen sensitivity and in turn proliferative nature of the mammary gland. We also show a lowered ERα and higher intensity ERβ expression profile in parous mice correlating with a lower level of proliferation which may explain their reduced risk of ER+ breast cancer.
Supplementary data
This is linked to the online version of the paper at https://doi.org/10.1530/JOE-17-0582.
Declaration of interest
The authors declare that there is no conflict of interest that could be perceived as prejudicing the impartiality of the research reported.
G D was supported by an Australian Postgraduate Scholarship. K B was supported by and NBCF Early Career Fellowship, an NHMRC New Investigator grant and a VCA early career seed grant. R L A was supported by an NBCF Senior Fellowship. G R S was supported by an NHMRC fellowship. J-Å G was supported by a grant from the Robert A. Welch Foundation (E-0004). L C M was supported by the Canadian Institutes of Health Research (CIHR), the Canadian Breast Cancer Research Alliance (CBCRA) and the Canadian Breast Cancer Foundation (CBCF).
The authors wish to acknowledge the Monash Micro Imaging Facility at Monash University and Centre for Advanced Histology and Microscopy at the Peter MacCallum Cancer Centre for provision of instrumentation, training and support. They also wish to thank Jill Nguyen for assistance with culturing cells.
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