The authors and journal apologise for errors in the above paper, which appeared in volume 244 part 1, pages 123–132.
The article was originally published without the below acknowledgment:
‘Part of the figures are presented in Desante Sports Science 39: 121–130, 2018.’
The authors would also like to add an extra funding resource, the Desante and Ishimoto Memorial Foundation for the Promotion of Sports Science.
It was also noted that the incorrect number of mice was inadvertently used in the legends of figures 1, 2 and 3. The corrected numbers are given for each of the affected figures below:
Figure 1, legend (Page 127): WT, n = 20; GKO, n = 12
Figure 2, legend (Page 127): WT, n = 12; GKO, n = 8
Figure 3, legend (Page 127): WT, n = 17; GKO, n = 12 (A) and WT, n = 12; GKO, n = 8 (B)
Figure 4, legend (Page 128): Vehicle, n = 4-6; Ghrelin Ago, n = 4-6
Figure 5, legend (Page 128): WT-Ex, n = 7; GKO-Ex, n = 7
In addition, the below mice numbers were not correct in the Experimental protocols under ad libitum feeding section in Materials and methods (p. 125):
‘WT-Ex and GKO-Ex; n = 8’ should instead read ‘WT-Ex; n = 20, GKO-Ex; n = 12’
‘WT-Ex-RF and GKO-Ex-RF; n = 6’ should instead read ‘WT-Ex-RF; n = 12, GKO-Ex-RF; n = 8’
These errors do not affect the conclusion of the paper.